Sponsor categories

Golden Sponsor

  1. Full page ad in the 'Book of the Festival
  2. Advertising leaflets of the sponsor, will be available at the association's info desks, before and during the festival and will also be distributed to all the businesses that will take over the kiosks at the medieval markets
  3. The literature of the Golden Sponsor will be printed on the 10.000 copies of the Festival events' programme
  4. The name of the sponsoring company, will be used on the radio spot that will be on the local and national radio stations, about one month before the event
  5. It will also be on the TV spot, which will be displayed by a local and a national channel as well as on the local multi-cinema silver screens
  6. Your company has the right to use one of the associations kiosks, on the central medieval market, at a distinguishable spot, near the entrance gate, for the exposition of your products and the promotion of your company
  7. You will be on the panel at the press conference that will be conducted before the festival
  8. Your representative will give a live interview on a TV channel during the festival
  9. You will also be on the same airing of the radio station that will host the 'Medieval Rose' association's representative
  10. You will also be invited to participate on the airing, of the local TV channel, dedicated to the festival