Foundation and Structure

A cultural, non-profit club, founded in 2005 by 23 initial members, which aims at the promotion of organizing a Medieval Festival, which will revive customs, myths and the History of medieval Rhodes, through musical, theatrical and dancing events and games.

Administrative Council: Consists of 7 members, each having a distinctive role and being responsible for the organization, supervision and successful completion of some part of the Festival, in co-operation with public and other services, as well as coordinating the work of teams.

Art Team: Consists of proficient, professional as well as amateur artists of Rhodes.

Executive Team: Comprising scenery and costume makers, advertisers, technicians etc.

Volunteers’ Team: The volunteers will participate either in the art or the executive part of the organization, without the obligation of being regular members of the club.

Support Team and Collaborators: Comprising a number of counselors on legal, historical, theatrical, musical and other subjects.